Your Video Downloader HD download is almost ready!

Follow these 3 simple steps to complete your Video Downloader HD installation.

Note: Your download will begin in a moment. If it doesn't, please restart the download.

Run the installer

When downloading is finished, click the VideoDownloaderHD.exe file at the bottom left corner of your screen.

Click Save File, download icon at the top right corner of your screen and VideoDownloaderHD.exe file.

When downloading is finished, click the Run button at the bottom center of the screen.

When downloading is finished, click the Run button at the bottom center of the screen.

When downloading is finished, click the VideoDownloaderHD.exein your Downloads folder to start installation.


Confirm the installation

Click "Yes" on the system dialog window to approve the start of your VideoDownloaderHD.exe installation.


Follow setup instructions

Click the button in the installer window to begin the VideoDownloaderHD.exe installation.